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An Ajax call from a Chrome Extension to SNOW!

I was going through the SNOW community and I stumbled upon this Simon Morris’s Chrome add-on, “The Totally un-official chrome add-on for SNOW”, I really liked the idea, wanted to do more with it.

The idea is use the current interface but get more features like,

When I meant top its more the most recent ones or the recent updated ones. I have tested integrating the Add On with some Scripted Web Services of Service now, and yes it seems to be working.

The only problem here seems to be me getting accustomed to using the UI in the way dictated by Google Chrome.

I know, I had a FF extension coming but yea, its sill under construction. Once i am good with this chrome extension, Probably in the next couple weeks,I will translate with FF.

For making this thing work i used the Ajax Jquery call, which worked like a beauty.

Snippet here(of the call) :

  soapMessage += '';*/
	 soapMessage += '';
     soapMessage += '  ';
      soapMessage += '' + 'helloworld' + '';
     soapMessage += '';
     localStorage["last_record"] = 'incident';
       url: "https://demo08.service-now.com/FirstCheck.do?SOAP",
       type: "POST",
       dataType: "xml",
       username: localStorage["username"],
       password: localStorage["password"],
       data: soapMessage,
       complete: createRecordCallback,
       contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""

Wierd enough, I wansn’t able to execute the same successfully on a normal HTML. Glad if some one would help.