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Get the list of the file Names on FTP server

The credit for this post is given to Ishaq Khan. The script will get all the names of the files in a particular folder of FTP.

Name : GetFileNamesFTP

   var ftpServer = "xxxxxx.coxp.xxxx.com";
   var username = "xxxx/\xxxxx";
   var pswrd = 'xxxxx';
   var ftpFilePath = "FILELOC/\DOWNLOAD/\SND";
   var ftpFileName = 'ServiceNow_AreaData.csv';
   var pt = new Packages.java.util.Properties();
   pt.setProperty("connection.host", ftpServer);
   pt.setProperty("connection.port", "21");
   pt.setProperty("user.login", username);
   pt.setProperty("user.password", pswrd);
   pt.setProperty("connection.type", "FTP_CONNECTION");
   pt.setProperty("connection.timeout", "10000");
   pt.setProperty("connection.passive", "true");
   var connection = Packages.org.ftp4che.FTPConnectionFactory.getInstance(pt);
   connection.connect(); //connect
   connection.noOperation(); //keep connection alive
   gs.addInfoMessage('path is : '+ftpFilePath);
   var myFiles = new Packages.java.util.ArrayList();
   myFiles = connection.getDirectoryListing(ftpFilePath);
   gs.addInfoMessage('My files are : '+myFiles);
   gs.addInfoMessage('Exception caught :'+e);


Coming posts will contain docs and explanation on imp methods of FTP Connection Factory!