The main reason for writing this Script Include is to easily make calls in Service Now(without a JSON processor, in the middle) and retrieve the record set in JSON format.
Another reason is that,I’m positive this will help a lot in coding Single Page apps/ UI Pages in Service Now, using Backbone.js, as Backbone provides extensive support for JSON.
If you are interested in looking at the Script Include here is the link to my blog on Community.
Also,I’ll be improving this Script Include, and updating the page.The current version is hosted here with comments, for one function(yet,I’m working on other too,will update).
Current version link : SendJSON2
I’ll post on how this script include will help when I write my backbone series, starting tomorrow(22-Apr-2013). I’ll in sometime add it to GitHub, so that you can fork it and use/modify it.
Any suggestions/comments as always are welcome!