19th Jan 2014 was a very important day in my life. That was the day I started my international travel, destination being the Unites States of America.
I never knew the travel would be so soon, but well, things aren’t always what you think. My Lead Consultant called me up on 17 Jan - to tell me that I had to travel by Sat, and be in The states by Sunday.
The travel was very long, approximately 40 hours of waiting and stuff. I flew from Hyderabad to New Delhi, then to The kingdom of Bahrain, then to the amazing Paris CDG airport, finally to the States. Infosys covered all the food, so I had hot food on the plane where ever I went. I wasn’t able to take any Photos, because I rooted my phone to a new version and this new version had no native camera app. So I tried to use any custom built app, but I wasn’t able to download any. Long story short, I managed to take a pic for my remembrance in Paris CDG airport with the Camera of my laptop, and here is it. I look like a drunk.
Paris to USA was a very pleasant flight apart from the part that my luggage went missing. I’m still trying to get the insurance amount for my baggage.
My first day in the United State was a very good one. I boarded a Taxi from the JFK who took us from JFK airport to Baldwin Avenue, Jersey City. The driver didn’t know the drop address, and his GPS wasn’t working, so it was a bit of a struggle to walk and go to Baldwin Avenue. At one point I was so vexed that I offered to walk from where ever we were to Baldwin Avenue. The driver was kind and caring enough to tell me that, it’s not safe at that point of night to walk. He finally, with all his experience narrowed down my address, and there I was. This room belonged to my colleague and friend Venkat Bommavaram, and his friends.
And so it started my Journey to the United States. I am okay now. Thanks to Venkat Bommavaram, Anupam Maheshwari and Anusha Pachunuri and my awesome seniors Bhanu, Shravan and Srikar for all the help and support while I was here. This is me, near Exchange Place, New Jersey.
Oh, wait - one last thing. You really don’t feel any excitement once you are in the states for sometime. You life will suck more than it used to when you were in India. The only time you might feel a difference is when you are making the Journey, but once you are at your destination, it’s all the same.