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Scrap pages with PhantomJs and CasperJS

This is just an usecase for scrapping TopCoder. I was really vexed up with the ruby repo here because this gem is really a pain in the rear to install on windows. This is the repo I’m taking about.

So, I had to comeup with a solution of my own. After battling with many Python frameworks like Scrappy etc.,I finally landed on Ariya’s Phantom JS headless browser. I had used Ariya’s works earlier in Jello. This looked like a very nice use case for scrapping Topcoder.

Note: Please use this at your own risk. I’m not sure how legal is it to scrap Top Coder.

As Phantom JS didn’t have a build in scrapper, I had to rely on CasperJS, which looks very promising too.

Here is the small code:

Again, I reiterate the face that I’m not sure if it’s really legal to scrap TopCoder. So use this at your own risk.