This is a rant. You wouldn’t probably learn anything from this post. I’m right now going through the Workday OOB integration, and this post is a list of issues in the design of Workday Integration.
Because there is a lot of development that went into the Integration, I’ll first talk about some good things:
Things that may need to improve:
No way to customize the mapping between the User Table/HR profile table and the WD data.
This means that there is no way I can add any more fields/delete fields control mapping using data except by writing code after extending the workday_worker_retriever class
There are just too many updates everywhere. For example, the Transform Map is already on HR Profile
. Then, in the workday_worker_retriever
class, there is the following code:
* If profile already exists with same first name, last name and
* personal email combination, then update the user for the profile
var profile = this.getProfile(source);
if (profile) {
profile.employee_number = source.wd_employee_id;
this.updateUser(source, profile.user);
target.user = profile.user;
if (source.wd_terminated == "1" && source.wd_end_date < this.getTodayDate())
var importFields = ["wd_primaryworkemail", "wd_full_legal_name", "wd_legal_first_name", "wd_legal_last_name", "wd_work_phone","wd_work_mobile_phone","wd_employee_id"];
var userFields = ["email", "name", "first_name", "last_name", "phone", "mobile_phone","employee_number"];
if (sysUser.get(userSysId)) {
for (var i = 0; i < importFields.length; ++i) {
var importField = importFields[i];
var userField = userFields[i];
if (sysUser[userField] != source[importField]) {
updated = true;
sysUser[userField] = source[importField];